In Celebration of the formal Release of "The Purpose",
book two in The Chronicles of Malachai,
it is being offered on sale through on e-book for
ONLY $1.99
until November 23, 2013
I have asked several of those who have already read "The Purpose" which chapters they felt grabbed their attention the most and would be good to help me promote the book in order to help those interested in reading the series to better understand the spiritual war Malachai sees. Several different chapters kept coming up with the final one being one of the favorite. However, I would rather not give away the ending of the book or too much of the climax, so one of the other favorites is Chapter 10 -The Labyrinth Dream.
If you are interested in what "The Purpose" is all about and "The Chronicles of Malachai", you can preview Chapter 10 here and get a glimpse of the deeper spiritual war Malachai is involved with.
Chapter 10
from The Purpose
by Daniel Sweetnam
As the days and weeks went on I began to
understand what the demons real threat was all about. When he approached me at
my apartment I thought he might physically attack me, now I realize the attack
was meant to cause me grief and despair.
Over the past few weeks
I was hit with one financial problem after the next. With extra car repairs,
increases in apartment expenses, extra demands at work wanting me to choose my
priorities of jobs and even jealousy from co-workers; I felt busier than ever.
I knew I couldn’t keep the pace up and had to make changes, but I really didn’t
want to give up the apartment. I just couldn’t afford it on my own anymore.
On top of my own
problems, it seemed like many of my friends and family were struggling with all
sorts of strange issues and problems. Even neighbors in my apartment were
experiencing weird problems with their apartments, cars and lives. I began
thinking everything that was happening to them was my fault and did my best to
pray for them all, trying hard to command any spirit attacking them to back
off. However, each time one person’s life settled down, another person began
having a real rough time.
I was feeling exhausted
mentally, physically and spiritually. Even Lucy couldn’t seem to cheer me up
anymore. I was being dragged back down once more into the pit of despair and
desperately needed help.
That night I had another dream; one that
was revealing itself in pieces over the past several weeks. Each time I dreamt
it I would see and feel more of what was really happening. But I never saw the
end because I would wake up too soon, until now.
I found myself
descending from the clouds to the dirt ground before a large layered maze of
walls. On my way down I could see a large battle happening in the center of the
maze. People were fighting hard against a horde of beasts and demons. I could
see the people swinging their weapons and swords but having very little effect
on the enemies they were fighting.
The beasts and demons
were also swinging their swords, shooting arrows and even catapulting stones at
all the people. Many of the people were being knocked to the ground and slain,
as the beasts kept moving towards them.
As my feet touched the
ground I could hear the cries of those in the center of the maze and knew I had
to get there quickly to help. However, each layer of walls only had one doorway
in order to get through; and there were different hazards or people blocking
each door.
The first door was
always hard to see as it was hidden behind many small shrubs and vines. Most of
the plants were covered in thorns and thistles destined to snare my clothes and
skin, ripping as I passed through. Somehow I would always find a strong stick
lying nearby to help break through the brush, but I had to take the time to
look for it.
Just as I would make it
to the door itself, a person would appear to speak the same message to me. The
person would change each time and was always someone I sort of knew, but the
message was the same.
“Is it really your fight
to be involved with Malachai? Stay out of here and you will be safe. If you
choose to enter this door you will put yourself into this war and the
consequences will also be yours.” The messenger would speak.
“I have to go forward,
it’s what God requires of me and I serve His purposes, not my own. I must do
what is right.” Would be my response.
When I entered through
the door I found myself in the middle of a barren land. It looked as if a war
had happened long ago and every living thing was now dried up and withered
away. I could see old riverbeds, dead stumps and logs, even the dried half
buried bones sticking out of the dusty ground.
The air was humid and
difficult to breath and I would always sweat from the heat coming from the
ground. However, I was always cold inside; even my skin was cold to the touch
as if death was within me. Whenever I would try to move forward the winds would
stir up blowing dust and dirt into my face, filling my lungs.
I would do my best to
push forward towards the wall that seemed far off in the distance and hard to
see because of the blowing dust. Within minutes of entering the expanse I would
have abrasions on my arms as I tried to protect my face from the constant dust
scraping like sand paper across my skin.
I could also see several
broken down buildings and dugouts cropping out from the ground and scattered
through the area. However, for me to use any of the partial shelters I would
have to leave the main path that took me to the doorway itself. I knew they
were just a temptation though to offer me protection from my suffering, and to
be a distraction from the real purpose I was here for. As much as I wanted to
go, I knew I couldn’t leave the path before me, it wasn’t right.
As I finally made it
close to the door another person would appear with another message. This person
was always one of my close friends, someone who knew me well. Like before, the
person would change, but the message was always similar. The message only
changed slightly to reflect the messenger’s relationship with me.
“Malachai, why are you
making yourself suffer so much? Everyone knows how much you care and we all
appreciate what you do. But look at your face, hands and arms. Are the scars
and pain really worth it? Let me help you. I can take you somewhere safe where
you can heal and rest.” My friend would say.
I always answered the
same though.
“I can’t quit now. There
are those who need help inside and someone has to try. I can’t stop until I
have finished what God has purposed for me. It just isn’t right.” I replied.
Immediately after, I would be standing
before the door with my friend still standing beside me. The door handle was a
smoldering red and I could feel the heat coming from the door itself from
several feet back. I knew whatever was behind this door was even hotter than
the barren land I was currently in. Perhaps hell itself was waiting before me.
“Well, go ahead and
enter then. Grab the handle and burn yourself. It’s what you want isn’t it?
Don’t you believe you need to suffer and take on our pain in order to be a
hero, to be like Jesus?” My friend would say.
“No I don’t. But if I
choose to put my own comfort and safety first while those around me are being
hurt or destroyed, how can I say I am a Christian, when I’m not following what
Jesus taught and His example? I have to do what’s right even if it hurts me
because Jesus did what is right even though they crucified Him.” I answered.
Then I would take hold
of the burning hot door handle, feeling a moment of searing pain burst through
my body. I could even hear my skin sizzling like frying meat and smell my own
flesh burning, as I turned the handle and entered the next room.
As soon as I walked
through the door, my mom, several family members and some close friends quickly
came to greet me; crowding around to see if I was okay.
“Malachai, what happened
to you? Look at your arms and your hand is severely burned. You need to sit
down and get these wounds looked at. Your brothers will get you something to
drink and eat. Then you’ll feel better.” My mom said, while guiding me to a
table on one side of the room.
This was only the second time I had dreamt
this part of the dream, but I knew what this room reminded me of. It looked
like the old wooden saloon from my dreams with Midnight. However, this room was
much bigger with less people and there were no demons waiting to serve me, just
my family and friends.
The last time I dreamt I
was here, I listened to my mom and sat down at the table while her and my
brothers dressed my wounds and convinced me to stay with them.
“Why do you have to get so involved with
everyone else’s problems Malachai? Look how wounded you already are, what good
will you be to anyone if you don’t take some time to rest and heal. The war
will always be happening; you are allowed to take a break.” She said.
Last time I listened and
decided to sit for just a moment. However, as soon as I made the decision,
their appearances changed and they began to strap my arms and legs to the chair
with the bandages meant to help me. Then they continued on with their own
lives, doing whatever they wanted and left me out of the way, tied to the chair
in the corner.
This time, I knew better than to fall for
that temptation. So I pulled my burnt hand away from my mom and began walking
directly to the door on the other side of the room.
My brothers both stood
in my way, while several other family members and friends gathered towards me.
“You can’t help them,
who do you think you are anyways, Jesus. Everyone has the right to make their
own choices and you should just let them live with their consequences. Look at
you, if don’t start living a little and enjoying your life, you’re going to die
miserable. Maybe God is trying to help you understand that life is for the
living, so you need to quit taking it so serious and start doing what makes you
happy and feel good.” My brothers said, both taking turns speaking.
“If I simply do what everyone else does,
then you’re right I might be happier for now. But, how long will getting what I
want last when it starts to encroach on you getting what you want. If I should
be more concerned with myself before thinking of others, what happens to your
freedoms when they interfere with what I want to do? Isn’t that how wars are
started? But if you all cared more about those who are hurting and suffering
rather than your own comfort, we could work together and end this war
completely.” I answered, while pushing past them all.
“You’ll lose though and they’ll kill you
just like they did your Christ. But you’re not God, so you can’t come back from
the dead. What good will you have accomplished then?” One of my brothers
“I have to do what God
wants, not what I want. Even if I die, I have to do what’s right.” I replied.
They all continued
speaking over top of each other trying to tell me how wrong I was for
continuing. However, as I arrived at the door and began to reach for the door
handle I heard another voice speak.
“Please don’t continue
Malachai. I need you and don’t want you to get hurt. If you go through that
door you will be leaving me behind too.” Lucy spoke.
I put my hand down and
turned to see her standing beside me with tears rolling down her cheek. As I
reached up with my burned hand to wipe her tears, I watched in amazement as her
tears ran into my burns and began to heal them. Within moments the wound was
healed and just a scar remained. I didn’t want to go forward anymore, I just
wanted to stay with her, but I knew it wasn’t right.
“I love you Lucy, and I
hope you will understand why I must go forward. I have to go through this door
because I have to trust God’s purpose more than what I might want to do. If I
don’t do what I know is right, you will lose me anyways, because I will stop
being who God created me to be. Like so many others in this room, I will be
stuck, lost and tied down forever. Please trust God Lucy.” I said.
“I guess God is even
more important to you than I am. So I hope you can find some happiness with
Him, because I’m obviously not enough for you. Look what He’s put you through
already, all your scars. Even after I healed you with the love in my tears, you
still don’t want me.” Lucy stated; then walked away to join the rest of the
I desperately wanted to
chase after her, but I knew it wasn’t right. I had to keep going forward. So I
turned the handle and entered into the next room.
There was complete
darkness here. The room was empty of all light, sound and feeling. Just empty.
I quickly tried to find my way through the room but I had no idea where I was
going. Even the door I came through was gone and I felt completely alone.
I spent what felt like
hours in the place trying desperately to find any type of structure other than
the floor. I tried jumping up hoping to find a ceiling. I even crawled along
the floor hoping to find something small that I might be missing. When I yelled
out, my voice simply vanished in a deep dark abyss. I felt alone and began to
feel afraid.
After what seemed like
hours of being lost in the darkness, I started questioning why I started this
journey. The words everyone else spoke to me ran through my head and I
questioned if I was wrong all along. I began doubting who I was and why I
thought I was good enough to fight this war in the first place. Then I started
getting angry with God for making me the way I was and for causing me to follow
His purpose in the first place. So I fell to the ground, with tears flowing
down my face and cried out to God.
“Why did you bring me
this far only to abandon me here in this place God? Why? I’ve always felt so
alone and that no one understands why I feel such a need to serve you. But I do
it anyways. Even when they judge and criticize me I do what is right. But you
always leave me alone to be hurt and condemned. Maybe I’m just not good enough
for what you want, maybe you just chose the wrong person to fight this war. I
don’t even understand what the war really is anyway. I’m just tired of living
in this darkness God. Please, if You care at all, help me. I need You; I need Your
light to guide me before I’m lost in this darkness forever.” I spoke out loud,
desperately hoping that God could still hear me.
When I finished a dim
light began to shine. It wasn’t coming from somewhere else in the room;
it was coming from within me. Every scar and wound on my body was shining as
well and the brightness grew the more I stood back up and focused on the light.
“When you feel like you
are alone Malachai, it is because you have forgotten my promises. I said I
would never leave you, nor forsake you. I am with you always because you chose
to believe in me and follow my ways. You just became too focused on the
darkness and covered My light which I placed within you. You are my light to
others when you do what is right Malachai. But you have to choose to believe in
who I know you are and trust in My help to guide you. Avoiding all the
distractions of the world is not easy, but if you trust Me, I will be with you
always.” The voice of the Lord spoke.
“I trust you God. Please
guide me forward once more. I’m willing to listen and trust you.” I answered.
The light within and
around me grew as bright as the day and I could clearly see the entire room
finally. It was rather small and the door was easy to find now that there was
light to show me the right way.
“Thank you God, I’m
sorry for doubting.” I said, then walked quickly to the door and opened it up
ready to face whatever might be on the other side.
The battlefield lay
before me. The sound of screaming and smell of death overwhelmed my senses as I
walked through the door. To my right were cages filled with prisoners piled one
on top of the other. The people were desperately climbing over each other
trying to find a way out of their jail. But there was no opening to escape.
To my left I saw people
urgently trying to climb the wall itself, standing and jumping on those who had
fallen, almost using them as step stools in order to scale the wall. But the
wall was too high and wherever the people were piled high enough for a hope of
escape, the beasts came along to tear the piles apart.
The beaten and wounded
people would try to limp away, but the beasts were too powerful. Many people
were already missing limbs, but the beasts would attack again and again.
In the middle of this
blood soaked dirt arena was the intense battle between demons, beasts and
people of all ages. Bodies were scattered everywhere of the dead and wounded,
but no one cared, they just kept fighting to save themselves. I saw them walk
over the hundreds of people missing limbs and bleeding on the ground. Some
people were trying to get closer to the battle; others were simply trying to
get away from it all.
I watched for a moment
trying to figure out how I could help and saw how the demons were even using
people to fight others. They promised not to harm them if the person would
fight for the demon, and the people listened. I saw some desperately trying to
fight back but they would quickly become surrounded and defeated. It all seemed
so hopeless, like the war was already won.
Then I heard my name
“Malachai, please help me. I’m hurt;
you’ve got to get me out of here.” It was one of my friends from the barren
room. He was lying on the ground not far from me. His leg was missing and there
were wounds all over his body.
I quickly ran towards
him to see how I could help, and noticed others I knew. In fact, everyone I
knew and everyone I had passed in the rooms were there, including Lucy. She was
locked in one of the cages and was now screaming for my help too. There was no
way I could help all these people on my own, there were just too many.
I remembered the lessons
I had just learned and decided I needed help so I should pray.
“Please God, these are
your people. I just can’t do this on my own. Help us all, we need you.” I
My prayer was obviously
heard, but not just by God. The beasts all took note of me and began coming
towards me, ready for battle. Many of the demons pushed aside those they were
fighting and raised their weapons to prepare to fight me. Even the people some of
the demons were controlling were forced to come to attach me.
“God I need your
protection now. You said I’m not alone, ever, so please reveal yourself now and
help me.” I desperately prayed, while standing firm in my place.
The light began to shine from within me
once more, but this time it was even brighter. It became so bright the beasts
and demons could no longer see where they were going. So they began slashing
their weapons carelessly around them, hitting one another. As they began to
wound one another they became angry and fought against themselves, until one
powerful demon cried out in a loud voice.
“Stop fighting each
other, he is the enemy we seek. We must slay him and the rest will fall.” He
said, while pointing in my direction.
They stopped fighting
each other and began to shield themselves from the brightness coming from
within me. They had one purpose, to destroy me.
“This is my servant and
I am with him. You will not harm him.” Came a thundering voice that filled the
entire area around us.
All the demons and
beasts fell to the ground for a moment in fear. Then began to get up and
retreat towards the wall opposite from me.
“Thank you for helping
me and never leaving me alone.” I prayed.
As I reached out to help
a couple of the wounded people around me, the brightness coming from within me
flowed into them and they were healed instantly. I knew I had to get to Lucy as
quickly as possible, but there were so many people needing help on the way. So,
I turned to those who were healed and gave them instructions.
“God has healed you and
if you will believe in His ways, His light will help you heal others too.
Please, ask God to help you so you can help others.” I said.
Several people began to
pray to God and immediately afterwards they began to shine brightly like me. As
they healed others, they passed on what I said and more began to shine and more
were healed.
I realized why I needed
to endure all the rooms now. It took everything I went through to understand
true darkness, so now I could appreciate and understand the true light in order
to share it with others.
The arena began to fade
and dream ended. I was lying in my bed at the apartment once more. My mind was
overwhelmed with all I had dreamt, but my spirit was at peace knowing I finally
understood its meaning and it was complete.
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