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Thursday, October 13, 2016

What inspired me to become an Indie Author!

Daniel & Cassie (Author pic from 'The Awakening')

     Since I was a child I had dreamed of being a real writer and having a published book or two. It was something about seeing my thoughts, feelings and imagination coming to life on paper that exhilarated me and brought me so much joy. However, as an avid reader I saw how professional and perfect these books were both inside and out, then figured it was something simply out of my reach to afford or even be capable to do myself.

     As I began my own journey to accomplish my dream to write a novel a few years ago, I realized some very important truths about writing which I had honestly over looked. The first and most important was, I have always been a real writer. From the first time I had written a short story to share the imaginative world about my teddy bears with my mother and teachers, I had become a real writer. The many stories I continued to write and tell others after, were all part of my growth as a writer which has helped me finally push past my insecurities and officially publish something.

     Publishing, of course, was my next major obstacle to overcome. Somewhere along the way I believed I could only be a real author by getting one of the major publishing companies to officially pick up my manuscript and decide it was worth publishing. The problem was overcoming the fear of rejection and the thought that no publishing company would ever be interested in what I had to write and perhaps I was just not a very good writer. My goal in becoming an author was not to become rich and famous, although I wouldn't turn it away, but was to share my heart, thoughts, dreams and beliefs with others in a way where they can pick it up, think about and be encouraged or inspired by it. I was already aware that what I wanted to write about wouldn't be for everyone, nor would my style be approved by all those who pick my books up, however, I still wanted to try.

     It wasn't until a customer came into the business my family owns and began telling me about how she self-published a book that I realized being and Indie author was even a thing. Yet, I still had this thought in my head that self-publishing was just for those who couldn't handle the rejection from submitting their manuscripts to the real publishing companies and paying their dues to become a Real Author. However, like I mentioned above, once I got beyond my misconceptions and realized that I was already a real author, I began looking into what it meant to self-publish.

     I spent weeks researching into the subject only to become overwhelmed and exhausted by the process, choices and lack of knowledge I had on the entire subject of self-publishing, thus beginning to doubt my ability to become an author at all again. So, I decided to look into a self-publishing publisher company. There a many available out there, but the expense was also often way out there as well, especially for someone like myself with very little extra money floating around to make it happen.

     After many months of scrimping and saving for a basic self-publishing package and with much support from my family, I finally signed on with one of the more reputable self-publishing companies. At first I was very excited and the person initially helping me with the process was incredible to work with, but as the process continued, I found what the catch was, everything had a cost to it, and I mean everything. My initial package only covered so much, and of course if I wanted to do it right, I had to pay more. So, I did as much as I could on my own and endured the criticism and constant pushing from the experts to let them do it. They even offered many extra discounts and deals. The process became much bigger and more overwhelming than I had originally thought.

     However, when I finally saw my first book in print, I still felt the work and frustration was worth it, so I decided to sign up with them again to self-publish my second book. Once again, my frustrations began and the expectations for extra expenses started. But through the advice of my sons I had joined an authors group on Google Plus, in order to promote my first book, 'The Gift', and started to read about all these Indie authors who published through Amazon. The more I read about their experiences with the publishing and promotion process I began to realize I had been going through this the wrong way.

     When I looked into CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing I quickly realized that everything I just went through and paid for to self-publish my first book was right there in simple to understand formats with templates, forums and help available every step of the way. The best part is it was Free, and for any extra design or editing help I may need, their prices were cheaper and I could pick what specific portions I wanted them to help do. Any questions I had were answered quickly and with extra advice or referrals to the forum to learn more as I needed. Plus, I didn't need any fancy software or programs to create my cover or inside with, as their templates where included and I could use the manuscript I had already written on Word.

     The final clinchers for me was not just how much easier it was to design and create my book, but how much cheaper it was to order printed copies from CreateSpace; how easy it was to upload everything to Kindle so I could offer my books as an e-book; and how they offered me a place to sell my books as well through Amazon. From beginning to end it still took time and a lot of work, but I found my experience so much more enjoyable and I had more control over how my finished product looked, felt and would reflect what I believed it should as the author. Plus, the moment it was finished, I could easily direct people who were waiting to get a copy, to buy one in print or e-book, immediately.

     So, what inspired me to become an Indie Author? The belief that anyone who feels led to write should be free to share their work in a way which they believe it should be presented. Being an Indie Author has allowed me to do just that. It has given my the chance to share my passion with others, without compromising what it is I want to share, nor making it so unobtainable that I can't encourage others to do the same. CreateSpace and Kindle Direct have made it accessible for me to accomplish my dream of being an author.

     With just releasing my third book, 'The Awakening', I no longer lack the confidence about whether I can get my writings published or not, I simply need to find the time to write. Now, if they can help with that, they would be even more amazing of a company than I already believe they are. (lol)


Friday, September 9, 2016

The Release of Book Three, 'The Awakening'

     I am excited to announce the official release of my third book in 'The Chronicles of Malachai' series entitled, 'The Awakening'.

The Awakening

The Awakening On Amazon or Kindle

     'The Awakening' deals with a much more personal side of Malachai's walk with God and his encounters with the broader realm of demons and spirits. As he learns more about the war and why he needs to take a stand to fight rather than just sitting on the sidelines, he also learns how personal the consequences of choosing to fight can be. When Malachai stands against the bigger demons they take note of him as well and work hard to find his own weaknesses in order to cause him to give up and quit fighting the war. Choosing to fight could cost him his health, his income, his friends and even the love of his life. But, giving up could cost him even more, the very essence of who he is and is meant to be.

     Malachai must battle his fears, pain, loneliness and depression while holding on to God's promise that He will never leave him, nor forsake him. Trusting God to help him and those he loves amidst the greatest battles he's ever faced will awaken his soul to what the truth really is. This war, the demons, the spirits, angels and his loved ones are all part of something bigger than any of them, and God ultimately has His hand on it all. Even though he may get a bit bruised, worn out and beaten down at times, through God's strength he can face whatever darkness comes against him. However, Malachai must choose to trust God's way, will and path for his life rather than what seems right in his own eyes if he truly wants to stand.

My Journey:

     Writing 'The Awakening' has definitely been my greatest challenge yet. It has taken almost three years to write, partially because I've been too busy with work, family and life in general; but, also because of what was needed to be written. The content of this book affected me far deeper as it brought back many painful memories and personal struggles with depression, loneliness and loss, which made getting the thoughts onto paper that much more difficult. However, with lots of prayer and encouragement from my family, I have finally finished and I hope what I've written will encourage others that they are not alone with their own struggles. God is always here to help and there are others who have also experienced both the spiritual warfare which surrounds us as well as the personal despair and trying times that can affect us as we choose to stand and fight.

     After writing the first two books in the series, 'The Gift' and 'The Purpose', I've had many people ask if Malachai's experiences really happened and whether they were based off my own life. So, cautiously I began to share more about my inspirations for writing the books and my own life experiences. As a result I've learned that there are so many other people who have experienced spiritual events and I've heard just how much God has worked in their lives to help them stand as well.

     I still find myself being more cautious with how much I share and with whom because of the many years of judgement, disbelief and criticism I once received; but, I have also developed a stronger belief that the subject of spiritual warfare, demons, angels and the entire spirit realm needs to become more open and talked about, especially in the christian circle. The thought that we are spiritual beings living among other spiritual beings and having been created by the greatest spiritual being of all, should be an easy topic to discuss in a religion whose bible is filled with so many supernatural experiences and spiritual events. Yet, as I've learned, it once was easy to discuss as it was a part of our ancestors everyday lives.

     Perhaps God is working once again to remind us all as to how connected we are and how much we need to believe in something more than ourselves and what we think we can control. This is the reason why I've chosen to write 'The Chronicles of Malachai' series, and I hope it causes everyone who reads these books to think a little deeper about what can be. Whether they believe it all or not or even agree with what is written; it's the thought of encouraging others to believe there is something more, while supporting those who already do, that compels me to write.

     Enjoy 'The Awakening'.

The Awakening
The Awakening on Amazon & Kindle

The Gift
The Gift on Amazon
The Gift of Kindle

The Purpose
The Purpose on Amazon & Kindle

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

We're not alone!

I find it hard to believe it has been an entire year since I last updated my blog. Yet, I know I'm not alone when I say life is moving far too fast that it seems hard to keep up at times. So I thought I would share a quick update for those who have been so supportive of my writing and my journey.

I have very slowly been working still on the third book of the Chronicles of Malachai series, entitled, "The Awakening". For those who have read my two previous books, "The Gift" & "The Purpose", you will understand how much simply writing each of these books are part of a spiritual journey all in itself. The Awakening seems to be the biggest struggle for me so far with simply trying to get written.

I'm a strong believer in the many differing spiritual forces and ripples from those forces, which surround each and everyone of us. Some are there to lift us up, some to tear us down, many are just there to distract, deflate and confuse us from being or doing what we are meant to. This past year and a half has definitely been all of the above. 

When I sit down to write about the main character, "Malachai" and his journey, it seems like the subject I write about becomes the next level to attack in my own life. When I wrote about the attacks on Malachai's friends, then over the next several weeks, many of those close to me went through weird trials and struggles, enough to keep me busy praying and helping others, so I couldn't write. The chapters leading up to Malachai's marriage including the attacks on him and his soon to be wife, also correlated to provoke attacks on my own marriage and the spiritual forces seemed to take strong aim at my wife.

Some of the strongest attacks came each time I tried to write about Malachai's experiences with facing the demons that desire to hold him back from following what God has planned for him, the spirits which fight to make him lose hope and belief in who his is and the difference he can make if he overcomes. Each time I would start to write, people, events, phone calls, emails, storms and power outages would hit to distract and exhaust me to the point I would quit writing for weeks once again. I've had many strange encounters with those I've never met as well, some I knew were being used by a spirit to distract and yet always balanced with someone who would have read one of my books or need prayer for some strange spiritual occurrences in their own lives. Each event who strengthen my resolve to write more, yet cause me to worry about what might happen if I do.

I know God has called me to write about Spiritual Warfare and how real it is and I believe He has a purpose for allowing me to go through the many struggles I have had and will have. However, God has also been putting it on my heart and using many people who have read one of my books to encourage me to remember that in this war I am not alone. Yes, I am well aware that Jesus and His angels, plus many other supporting spirits are there to help, but I often forget that there are other spiritually open people who can help as well.

I am always willing to talk to others about the subject of spiritual warfare and taught many how to trust God to watch over and guide them through their own understanding of their personal gifts. Yet, I have been very hesitant to share much of my own experiences because of the years of condemnation and judgement I have received from others, especially as I worked in the churches. But now I've found that God wants me to grow even more and while writing "The Awakening" I have been reminded as to how God needs us as His people to open our eyes, our minds and our spirits to what it truly means to have a deeper relationship with Him. It will challenge our own perceptions and cause others to criticize and judge, but we will find others who are seeking more as well and perhaps become the people we were designed to become all along.

"The Chronicles of Malachai" are based off of events from my own life and personal experiences. Why I've been so nervous to admit that fact, I'm still not sure. However, almost everyone I speak with who have read either book always asks me write away if I'm writing about my own life, because they don't believe someone could write such things without experiencing them too. The next subject they then bring up is how they have experienced spiritual events as well and how nice it is to talk with someone else about them who can understand. I whole heartily agree.

I've come to understand that hiding who we are as spiritual beings is simply a more modern trend. But when you read the Old Testament and learn about Abraham, Moses, Noah, Elijah, Isaiah, Enoch and some many more, you realize how much we have forgotten and how stifled our belief in who God is and what we were created to be, has become. 

"The Awakening" is almost finished being written and as nervous as I am with trying to complete these last couple of chapters, I feel I need to put it out there and ask for the prayers of those who truly believe and understand to help support, encourage and protect me and my family as I complete the writing of this story God has put on my heart to share. (Even as I wrote these words, huge gusts of wind blow against my office window.) I know I need to complete it and God willing, the last two books as well, but I also know I appreciate and need the support from those who understand what I am speaking here.

Why have I decided to write all this and share it now? Honestly, God has been trying to get me to be more open and honest about my experiences, but I have been afraid because as much as I believe in fighting this spiritual war, trying to encourage the underdog, build up the broken down and defeated, and teach God's truth over what might be embedded doctrine or popular opinion the result has cause me much pain and I have seen more darkness on the earth than I ever care to have seen. Yet God keeps pushing me to become more open and honest anyway.

Last night, while feeling exhausted and frustrated over other events dragging me down once again, I decided to distract myself by watching some Netflix. My wife, son and I decided to watch some more Dr. Who and the episode about Charles Dickens and how in the end as much as he thought he understood life, he realized how much more there still is to understand. His spirit was awakened by the possibility of there being more to existing than what He could see. This struck me deeply because I found myself longing to be with people like the Dr. and the servant girl who believe in so much more. So, when God once again gave me some scriptures this morning to encourage me to share my story and experiences, I thought perhaps this is exactly what I need and have been missing. 

So why did I decide to write this? Because I need to so I can believe and hope in what can be once more. The criticism may come but I've lived so much with the negative that the chance for some positive and support is worth the risk. I thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and I hope this is the beginning of a new opportunity to share in more detail what inspired them. Perhaps I can encourage others to also believe deeper and even make some new friends who can encourage me just the same as well. After all as much as this is a spiritual war, I must remember, I'm not alone.  

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The Gift by Daniel Sweetnam